Container weighing / eVGM
We weigh your container at one of our locations and your eVGM is ready for purchase on our platform in a matter of seconds.
Once you purchase the weighing, your eVGM will be automatically submitted to the chosen ocean line.
Pricing container weighing
Standard container
EUR 43 (incl. lift + eVGM)
Non-standard container (Out Of Gauge)
EUR 172 (incl. lift + eVGM)
Our trusted partners
Our certified weighing solution is trusted by the world’s leading ocean lines and used by a network of weighing locations,
including inland container terminals and shippers.

Who are we?
CertiWeight is a certified, cloud-based VGM solution for container terminals and shippers with own weighing equipment.
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Contact us
CertiWeight bv
Scheldelaan 515 (Magershoek)
2040 Antwerp
+32 33 93 09 95